Common Basic Mistakes Brazilians Usually Make

Erros comuns que os brasileiros costumam cometer

O professor de inglês do ensino médio, Valdemar, disponibiliza essa dica para todos os alunos, em que destaca os erros mais comuns cometidos por brasileiros durante conversas em inglês e a maneira correta para evitá-los. Confira:

I’d like to show you guys some basic mistakes you need to avoid, when you are in a conversation it’s very common to make them so next time try  not to get yourself in these situations, for example:

Don’t say it                                               Say it
Look, it rains                                              Look, it’s raining
When I was 20 I was smoking                    When I was 20 I smoke
I have seen Louis yesterday                     I saw Louis yesterday
We’re living here since April                      We’ve been living here since April
I’m not believing him                                  I don’t believe him
I can to swim                                              I can swim
I want go home                                          I want to go home
I came here for study English                    I came here to study English
She didn’t see nothing                              She didn’t see anything

I always tell  my students that making mistakes is part of the learning process (if you don’t make mistakes you go nowhere) but it’s really important to know when you’re saying or writing something wrong so what do we do? Don’t worry too much about the grammar rules, just say it and work on to do it better… English is a skill so you need to practice it.

Imagine that you’re an athlete (a great one) and even great athletes practice their skills a lot that’s the reason why they are great, they don’t believe they know everything so they don’t need to practice anymore, they are always thinking about new drills, cross and dribles and the most important thing is that all those things are unexpected like a conversation, you can’t predict what people will say to you in a conversation and you need to react instantly, so remember that is important not to make mistakes or you can’t get your message across but at the same time you need to practice so try to know people who speaks English and you can get a feedback about your skill.
