Professor Valdemar incentiva alunos a acessarem a plataforma Uno Sistema para treinarem Inglês

How to speak English fluently and confidently?

I have asked students to answer the question above visiting their forum at Uno Portal. Follow some answers students could come up with. There are some of them who have some good tips about how you supposed to learn this language. It seems their language awareness have increased those years. Congratulations to all students who have participated and even those ones who answers I haven't post here I would like to thank. Keep practicing!

Stundent difficulties

I think that training is the only way to improve your English. People should try more, be more confident (there's no problem making some mistakes at all, it's something perfectly normal) and train. You can find a friend to talk with, practice in the shower and many other ways! If you really try, you can learn a good English without problems, but if the person doesn't care about learning, I'm sure that in the future he/she will miss it. Adilson

I think to learn English, is just practicing, practicing a lot, you can get a good language training. You have to devote a lot if you want to achieve something, then decide, trust yourself. Practice with friends, online, courses are great ways to learn English and become fluent in the language. Rafael

First of all you HAVE TO believe in yourself, 'cause if you don't believe no one else will do it. You HAVE TO try even if you make make mistakes you can turn on it and do again. Then you HAVE TO practice: reading, listening, talking and writing. Nowadays people get used to have things done for them that they don't need to train themselves. If you have some difficulties you also HAVE TO ask for help and not being shy. Learning english just depends on you. It's also a challenge however one day you will win this and will be the champion of your life! No one will get this title from you! Alecsia

To speak English well is necessary to study the language, train hard and like the English. I do not know speak English, but I want to learn. Henrique

English is very important and for that we should practice going in classes, talking with friends and studying about the stock every day more. Júlia Sando
