How to be disciplined

Atualmente, é muito importante ter disciplina para aprender uma nova língua e também para prosperar no mercado de trabalho. Por isso, fiquem atentos para mais uma dica do professor Valdemar!

"It's very important to be disciplined when you want to achieve something in your life and if you decided to learn a second language this is going to be the most important fact so far, we all know all the benefits from being disciplined, you will earn people respect (at least from those who matter to you) I don't even need to mention all the status you will conquer in the job market.

If you are struggling to be this person, start doing small things because when you don't do the things you should do you start to feel uncomfortable with yourself, so don't wait for tomorrow start doing the right thing, right now... Everybody knows that saying: Actions speak louder than words!

  • Be responsible: Never get late for anything.
  • Don't make promises you won't meet: It really causes a lot of damage to your image if you promise something and don't deliver it, so don't do that!
  • Small things matter: Remember take small steps moving forward doing the little things most people ignore like: meeting all your responsibilities, if you know you have to do, do it, don't postpone it.

If you want to read more about it, please visit the website below

Thank you!"
Teacher Valdemar
