Simple Past

Para utilizar o inglês de maneira correta, é importante saber utilizar os verbos e entender que a tradução não é feita pela leitura individual das palavras, mas sim por meio das palavras em sentenças. O professor Valdemar, para ajudar nessa questão, disponibiliza mais uma dica para a turma do ensino médio, confira: 

"When we use the simple past tense we usually add ed or ied to the regular verb all the irregular verbs you have to look up to the verb in a list but remember never learn English from words individually but from sentences so you have to apply the words in a sentence so it will make sense to you, follow some examples:

I spoke English yesterday (it's always specific)
We spoke to john last month

In the negative form we use the auxiliary did + not (didn't) and the verb remains in the infinitive form:

I didn't speak English yesterday - You didn't do your homework yesterday - he didn't practice English last week, etc...

When we want to ask questions we use the auxiliary did in front of the subject:

Did you speak English this morning?
Yes, I did (short answer)
No, I didn't (short answer)

Did he do his homework yesterday?
Yes, he did
No, he didn't

Did they talk about math one month ago?
Yes, they did
No, they didn't

Hope you guys like this tip..."
Teacher Valdemar
